In the field of position monitoring, ultrasonic inspection is newer than vibration analysis. However, this type of diagnostics is much older than medicine. Currently the ultrasonic technique in the field of position monitoring is capable of detecting the damage of rolling bearings, collisions, (Rubbing of gear gears, etc.) Bearing defects in the very early stages that are not detectable by vibration analysis. And remedial measures will be taken before the bearing condition becomes acute, with 36% of bearings related to overheating, according to the study. Grease over bearings can increase bearing temperature, grease fluid, and eventually damage. 34% of the bearing defects are due to double load on the bearing, which is due to Misalignment or rotor imbalance. 14% of the defects are due to lubrication system contamination, all of which can be detected by ultrasonic inspection before they cause damage to the bearing. Problems with Bearing Damage Repair personnel have saved the entire process of bearing replacement including opening and closing and disassembly of the rotor as well as re-shafting.
This test includes:
Diagnosis of internal valve leakage, compressed air, early detection of rotary equipment failures, lubrication problems detection, and arc and corona detection
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